
BMW VIN Decoder with Full Vehicle History, Options, and Specs Report

Find out the full background of any BMW with the help of our dedicated BMW VIN decoder.

bmw vin decoder
BMW vin decoder

How to Check BMW VIN Decoder?

The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) for a BMW is a distinctive 17-character code exclusive to every BMW automobile. This identifier is not only unique to each vehicle but also encodes details about the vehicle’s model year, type, engine size, and additional characteristics, making it an essential tool for identification and information.

The VIN of a BMW can be located in various places on the car such as:

  1. On the dashboard on the driver’s side, which can be seen from outside through the windshield.
  2. The jamb of the driver’s side door.
  3. In the engine area, either on the firewall or the radiator support.
  4. On the car’s registration and title papers.

By following these steps, you can easily access a wealth of information about any BMW vehicle, ensuring a deeper understanding of its heritage and features.

BMW Models that can be checked by the VIN number.

This table highlights key models and generations in BMW’s history, illustrating the evolution of their vehicle lineup over the years.


Series Model Type First Introduced Notable Years/Generations
1 Series Compact Car 2004 F20/F21 (2011-2019), E87 (2004-2011)
2 Series Compact Car 2014 F22/F23 (2014-present)
3 Series Mid-size Sedan 1975 E30 (1982-1994), E46 (1998-2006), G20 (2019-present)
4 Series Mid-size Car 2013 F32/F33/F36 (2013-present)
5 Series Executive Sedan 1972 E39 (1995-2003), F10 (2010-2016), G30 (2017-present)
6 Series Luxury Car 1976 E24 (1976-1989), E63/E64 (2003-2010)
7 Series Full-size Luxury Sedan 1977 E38 (1994-2001), F01 (2008-2015), G11 (2015-present)
8 Series Luxury Sports Car 1989 E31 (1989-1999), G14/G15/G16 (2018-present)
X1 Compact SUV 2009 E84 (2009-2015), F48 (2015-present)
X2 Compact SUV 2017 F39 (2017-present)
X3 Compact SUV 2003 E83 (2003-2010), F25 (2010-2017), G01 (2018-present)
X4 Compact SUV 2014 F26 (2014-2018), G02 (2018-present)
X5 Mid-size SUV 1999 E53 (1999-2006), E70 (2006-2013), G05 (2018-present)
X6 Mid-size SUV 2008 E71 (2008-2014), F16 (2014-2019), G06 (2019-present)
X7 Full-size SUV 2019 G07 (2019-present)
Z4 Sports Car 2002 E85/E86 (2002-2008), E89 (2009-2016), G29 (2018-present)
M Series Performance Models 1978 Various models based on the standard series
i Series Electric and Hybrid 2013 i3 (2013-present), i8 (2014-2020)

What you can get from checking your VIN of your BMW

External image

No one desires a vehicle with undisclosed damages. This could lead to paying more than necessary or encountering safety concerns on the road.

Mileage rollbacks
Mileage rollbacks

Mileage manipulation is a more widespread issue than you may realize. It not only results in overpaying for the vehicle but can also lead to significant repair expenses.

Recorded images
Recorded images

Understanding the vehicle's appearance in the past is crucial for gaining insights into its history and identifying any areas of damage or vulnerability.

Safety recalls
Safety recalls

Manufacturers usually issue safety recalls to address dangerous defects. Ensure that your vehicle does not have any such defects before driving it.

Ownership changes
Ownership changes

Understanding the number of previous owners a vehicle has had is important in determining its sales history. This information can provide insights into any potential underlying problems.

Theft records
Theft records

We thoroughly examine millions of records from both international and local law enforcement agencies to ensure that a vehicle has not been reported as stolen in any country.

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Car history report

Avoid costly problems by checking a car’s history. Just enter the VIN and get a full report.

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